Conference Registration
Registration Fees (in New Zealand Dollars (NZD)
Full Registration (1): before 10 Oct: NZD700.00 | after 10 Oct: NZD800.00
Student Registration (2, 3): before 10 Oct: NZD150.00 | after 10 Oct: NZD200.00
1 Day Registration (4): before 10 Oct: NZD150.00 | after 10 Oct: NZD200.00
1 Day Stud. Registration (3, 4): before 10 Oct: NZD40.00 | after 10 Oct: NZD50.00
Additional Conference Dinner: NZD100.00
Hard Copy Proceeding (5): NZD120.00
Proceedings on USB: NZD10.00
Conference Tour NZD50.00
(1) The registration includes: Full conference attendance, Book of abstracts, Downloadable copy of full proceedings, 3 lunches, 6 coffee/tea, Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner, 1-year membership to Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA).
(2) Student registration includes: Full conference attendance, Book of abstracts, Downloadable copy of full proceedings, 3 lunches, 6 coffee/tea, Welcome Reception, 1 year Student membership to Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA).
(3) Student must present valid a Student-ID on registration.
(4) One Day Registration includes: One-day conference attendance, Downloadable copy of full proceedings, 1 lunch, 2 Coffee/tea.
(5) Must be pre-purchased by 1 Nov 2017 and picked up in person.
Speaker Registration
At least one author of each paper accepted for presentation at the conference must pay Full Registration fee to have the paper published in the proceedings and be part of the conference programme. Registration and payment must be received by 10 Oct. 2017 to be included. Each registered author can present up to two papers for one registration fee; however, for any additional paper presented by the same registered author beyond these two papers, an additional registration fee of NZD200.00 per paper will incur to cover related administration costs.
There is no restriction on how many papers an individual might be listed on as a co-author.
For each page that is over the maximum page limit, a fee of NZD200.00 per page will be charged.
Cancellation Policy
No refund will be given.