Program Schedule: Download there
Keynote Speakers: Jerome Partington, Russell Loveridge and Anica Landreneau
Book of Abstracts: Download here
Proceedings: Download here (61MB)
In celebrating the 51st International Conference of Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), we look forward into the future and seek the presentation of visionary research and practice that will influence our built environment over the next 50 years. Standing on the shoulders of our work of the past 50 years, the conference explores avenues that will have the great impact on in the development of Architectural Science. The theme calls for relevant ideas from a variety of domains reflecting and speculating on future trajectories of architectural science to reveal possible phenomena, factors and forces that will influence these trajectories with an exploratory perspective.
The 51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) is hosted by the School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. We cordially invite architectural science and design researchers, educators, design professionals, stakeholders, and students to present their critical thoughts, discuss new ideas, and engage in our debate:
“Back to the Future: The next 50 years.”
The paper must address and relate to the conference theme. Suggested lenses through which to explore the conference themes are (brackets indicate possible topics but are not exclusive):
Vision (trajectories, speculations & phenomena)
Theory (philosophy, methodology, culture & society, history)
Context (landscape, urban design, heritage)
Design (buildings, details, (digital) design)
Simulation (calibration & validation, virtual, augmented & mixed environments, climate change)
Architectural Science (environmental quality, well-being, health)
Modes of production (construction technology, productivity, BIM, CIM, robotics, innovative technology, automation)
Practice, Education & Profession (building code, professionalism, development, safety, pedagogy)
Culture (culture, indigenous, tradition)
Researchers & practioners from the domains of architecture, engineering, building science, design, urban- & landscape design, computer science, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, humanities, and other relevant disciplines who can contribute to the discussion are invited, with special encouragement to doctoral students, to submit research papers and critical essays, and to attend the conference in order to widen our discussion about the future trajectories of architectural science.
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
New Zealand Institute of Architects Incorporated